He is charged with causing death by reckless driving. 他被控危险驾驶致人死亡。
Reckless driving may even cost your life. 乱开车甚至会使你送命。
Deaths caused by reckless driving are avoidable. 因鲁莽驾驶引起的死亡是可以避免的。
The policeman chewed out the driver for reckless driving. 那位司机因为开车莽撞,被警察狠狠批评了一顿。
Is "sorry" the best America gets for the ineptitude, incompetence, reckless and abusive behaviors of those on Wall Street and their regulatory overseers in Washington after driving our markets and economy over the cliff? 在那些华尔街菁英以及华盛顿的监管官员们种种无知无畏而又无法无天的行为将我们的市场和经济推下悬崖后,我们能听到的就只是一声“抱歉”吗?
In New Zealand, some police officers blamed a recent spike in fatal car crashes and reckless driving incidents on the 40,000 Chinese tourists who flocked to the country over the holiday, according to The Press newspaper. 新西兰《新闻报》(ThePress)报道,一些警员将当地致命性车祸及鲁莽驾驶事件近期的激增归咎于在节日期间涌入该国的4万名中国游客。
The law sweeps very widely and would increase penalties for reckless driving in unintended cases, Robinson said. Robinson说:这次制定的法律涵盖范围很广,会对交通事故中的鲁莽驾驶行为进行相应的处罚。
That's the second time he's been had up for reckless driving. 那是他第二次因为乱开车而被传讯。
Reckless driving, drunk driving and jaywalking, for instance, account for a high percentage of deaths and accidents. 例如,鲁莽驾车、酒醉驾车、乱穿越马路占车祸死亡很高的比率。
But a study just found that reckless driving and alcohol aren't the main reasons for the crashes involving teens. 但一项研究发现,鲁莽驾驶和酗酒不是青少年驾车出事故的主要原因。
China's roads are among the world's most dangerous, with thousands of people dying each year in accidents caused by reckless driving, poor road conditions and overloading of vehicles. 中国的路况属于世界上最危险的,每年有数千人死于鲁莽驾车、路况不佳和车辆超载所引起的交通事故。
Students traveling abroad should also be aware of the dangers of potentially reckless behavior, including careless driving or driving under the influence. 在国外驾车的学生们也要提高警惕,杜绝因疏忽大意带来的危险,包括粗心驾驶或酒后驾驶。
Someone who is reckless or irresponsible ( especially in driving vehicles). 不计后果或不负责任(特别在驾车方面)的人。
Driving is crazy in Beijing, and reckless driving is the norm. 在北京驾驶是比较疯狂的,鲁莽的驾驶方式在这里很平常。
The revision is designed to better accord with China's newly revised Criminal Law, which rules dangerous driving behavior, such as drunk and reckless driving, will receive severe punishments. 此修正案的目的更好的符合了中国新修正的刑法,其规定了例如醉酒及鲁莽驾驶等危险驾驶行为,将得到严厉的惩处。
Frenchman who raced through a motorway road block, triggering a high-speed police car chase that ended in a minor crash, has blamed aliens from Mars for his reckless driving. 一名法国男子驾车飞速闯过高速公路上的路障,引起警车的高速追逐,最后造成了一次轻微的撞车事故。他把自己的鲁莽驾驶归咎于来自火星的外星人。
The policeman bawled out the driver for reckless driving. 警察斥责驾驶员开车太鲁莽。
Initially, Richardson was charged with reckless driving and ticketed for driving without insurance. 最后,理查德森将会被危险驾驶和驾车没有投保被起诉。
There was a doctor noted for his reckless motor driving. 有个大夫素以驾驶摩托车横冲直撞而知名。